Monday 11 March 2019

links + loves

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Good morning, happy Monday!
I don’t usually post too, too much on my links + loves about my personal life anymore. However, I wanted to share something personal, switch it up a bit.

If you’ve been following my blog for a bit, you know that I’ve been struggling with my mental health for the past few months. If you’re new here, you can read more about what’s going on here. Over the past few months, I had given up things that I was truly interested in and it was honestly kind of devastating to me. I found myself become separated from my interests and hobbies, leading myself down a path that I didn’t love. It involved a lot of social isolation, a lot of Netflix and a lot of shopping.

The past month or so, I have been really focusing on myself and hobbies that I like, as well as new hobbies. I planted some annuals in large pots yesterday (plus cat grass for the cats), started reading again and have been working on my knitting. Basically anything that keeps my hands busy.

Over the past few months, I’ve learned that it’s okay not to be okay. If you need medication to help the chemicals in your brain, that’s okay. If you need therapy, that’s cool too. Sometimes it takes a little bit more than you’d expect to recover and I genuinely don’t think I’ll ever be who I once was. But I know at the end of the day, I’m becoming happier and happier with who I’m becoming. I’m looking forward to knowing what my future looks like and who I’m going to become.

Thank you for taking the time to read my story and I’m excited to continue to share my story. Now, onto some sweet links that I’ve loved over the past week or so.



  1. Gosh, what a struggle, Felicity. You have come so far just to realize these things. Some women I know still have trouble with it and they are twice your age.

  2. So glad that you are trying new things while still accepting the season you are in right now. Praying for you may friend. You are helping someone with this post. Those cookies look amazing!

  3. Love that you're sharing your story - getting the help you need through therapy or medication is definitely nothing to be ashamed of. Glad you're starting to feel better, and glad you're turning to hobbies. I struggles with mental health issues, myself. The human condition is overwhelming sometimes.... That's a larg part of why I blog! It's a great hobby and distraction! Super surface level, for me, too! hahaha

    1. Thank you! And me too, actually. I find writing really helps me!

  4. Thank you for sharing your story Felicity! We are all rooting for you.

  5. So brave of you to share your story with us.
    Keep going!

  6. That is such an important lesson to learn and definitely brave for you to share it! I'm rooting for you girlfriend!!

  7. It's definitely okay to not be okay. But most importantly, accepting that you're not okay and being open about it is a big step...
