Friday 13 July 2018

My Wants & Needs for Moving

I shared a few months ago my home vision boards. Things have changed and my plans have changed. I’m going to share something personal and then explain why I’m changing what is happening.

I don’t know if I’ve shared this on the blog before (closest thing might be a reference to my stepdad). My parents are in the middle of nasty divorce/separation. Through this, I have somehow lost more than I should including a relationship with my father. I love my dad to death but he has said a lot of things with intentions to spite my mom but have come out hurting me more than anything.

In the spring, my mom moved an hour and a half north to live with her boyfriend – I stayed here, but my work is about halfway between here and there. My mom and I have made the decision that once this house sell, we’re going to take her profit from here and buy a house for me closer to her and work. There’s a small town, made famous by a song by The Tragically Hip known as Bobcaygeon. It’s so cute and I cannot wait to move up there. My house that I currently live in (my grandparents’ house, which is killing me to lose) will likely end up on the market end of July. There’s a house that I have my heart set on and I’m keeping my fingers and toes crossed that it’s still available by the time.


  1. I'm so sorry to hear that you are in the middle of such a hard situation Felicity! How tough. Hopefully this move will be a good change all the way around.
    I really loved setting up my house when I first moved-you are bringing back a lot of memories! It can be a little overwhelming. Just start with the basics and then see what you actually need once you settle in a bit.
    That being said I loveeee that shower curtain! So minimal, but beautiful!

  2. Wow...what a situation to be part of Felicity! It is part of life...this moving on, and learning from these experiences...not always fun, but always insightful!!
    I'm sure you will make the best of it, and will keep my fingers crossed for you!!

  3. So sorry to hear about the animosity going on. I will pray for peace in your family. A new home sounds amazing and love your choices to spice it up!
